Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My postings have been few,,,,,,,

OK, YES, I have to admit I was quite surprised at how much time had passed between my last post and this one,,,,time flies or has it really (It sounds good, when one is searching for an excuse). How can something that seems like such a great idea and feels so good once it's done be so hard to commit to? I wish I knew the answer,,,,as it occurs to me with both this blog and, of all things, exercise. No need to try to catch everyone up,,,,,as in diets,,,,there are no "re-do" for days gone by, so once again, I pick up from today. We are so fortunate to have a new day every 24 hours,,,,a chance for new beginnings, new commitments and new choices,,,,to do or not to do. Not going to say I will be here everyday, but definitely going to make a better effort,,,,it's good medicine for me and hopefully sometimes for the followers, although I have to admit it is a selfish indulgence,,,,a wonderful place to "write it down" "sort it out" and "move forward"....Note,,,,,,how I now refer to this as an "indulgence" will it make a difference? Only time will tell.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cabin Fever times 100...

It's wintertime where I live. It's cold, gray, dark and ugly. Everything is dead,,,or if not dead,,,,in a deep sleep. My 2 chocolate labs want in and out every 5 minutes,,,most of the time they never even leave the porch,,,but they are so damn bored of laying on the couch, then the floor, then the bed,,,they are beside themselves. They really need to be taken somewhere for a nice long run or walk, but I can't stand the thought of putting on 13 layers of clothes to go outside and take them,,,shame on me,,,,really,,,,owning labs that are bred for retrieving ducks in ice cold water carries a responsibility and I have been failing it,,,I am going to have to get them out very soon, they deserve it,,,because "Lapdogs" they are NOT.....
On the other hand, my little princess kitty "Abeo",,,loves to nap all day and play all night,,,,we are in tune....
My pledge tonight, is to take the Brown's out back tomorrow in the snow and play ball with them until they are tired....it's the right thing to do. Peace out all.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

To Schedule or Not Schedule???

I have things that I want to do, but they don't ever get done. I want to live a life of spontaneity but can that really happen AND allow you to get the things done that really seem important to you...it appears to me,,,maybe not. It seems unless I COMMIT to do certain things everyday,,,like, making my bed, running the vacuum, emptying the dishwasher, doing a load of laundry, cleaning the litter boxes, planning and cooking a good healthy meal...this is my "committed" list so far,,,,turns out it leaves about 4 or 5 hours a day for "on the fly" stuff....but that's only days when I don't have errands to run or people to see, etc etc I would like to spend 1 hour of everyday meditating, talking to Goddess, sitting at my altar, burning incense or candles and maybe doing some kind of yoga poses....I would also like to walk on my treadmill for an hour a day,,,I would also like to maintain a journal,,this could easily take an hour....so,,,,you can see if only these 3 things get added to my "committed" list,,,then my spontaneous time quickly dwindles.....is this good or bad.....I think these things are important to me, but then again, if I haven't taken the step to add them to my committed list,,,are they really? I know each of these are uber important to both my spiritual health, my physical health and my mental health,,,why then,,,,are they not getting done....am I really that scared of living that "booked up" life again? The one where,,,every minute of every day is accounted for and full,,,,where one foot goes in front of the other just because,,,,and admittedly, being "booked" with these kinds of things would definitely be different than my previous "booked" life,,,but then again would they eventually become the mundane,,,,,if they are only things on a list to be done everyday.....Thus,,,is my question,,,to schedule or not to schedule,,,,and if the answer is "schedule" can you live by one and really be happy,,,,content,,,,and not constantly feel obligated?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Less stressed and happy to be here

So,,,I figured out how to delete the two duplicates, they are marked and will hopefully once and for all, disappear in 60 days,,,"burr in the saddle" plucked! Don't even ask why it bothered me in the first place,,,,b/c yes, you will determine me to be a perfectionist or stricken with OCD or something awful like that,,,,and,,,,you will be right. Don't know why I am that way, not particularly fond of it, but can't make it go away....so just be like my lovely,,,,and DEAL WITH IT :) I mean,,,I'm the one that has to LIVE with it,,,

After all that,,,I am actually happy to be here. Thanks to my very special friend and sister spirit for convincing me to come back. With all the ugly setup details out of the way (again)(I tried this once before and was not very judicious about it),,,,now comes the easy part,,,,writing..right? Yea,,,except that I am a numbers kind of person, so the words may not come so easy. I am still going to give it a try, bear with me and time will tell.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Driving me crazy already....

Back on this blog thing again,,,,all is good except I have 3 blogs listed and they are all identical,,,don't know how to get rid of the 2 dups,,,and don't know which one this post will appear on.....